E-learning for DCX 130
Web review!
This week e-learning task, we were asked to review few web resources and to know whether it is useful for us to use them as teaching tools or teaching materials for our students to find additional information regarding Home Economics and Food and Nutrition.♥♥
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I found Cooking For Kids website fun and interactive site where it provides educational and support not just for children but teachers as well as parents. It includes many activities and provide very interesting ans simple recipes for kids to try out. This is good especially for lower secondary students when deciding their meal dish to cook. This website can help parents to interact more with their children and motivate them to rise up their interest in cooking which as we all know, is beneficial for Home Economics lesson in school.

Sometimes you felt that sewing is interesting only when you know that it can be done and its easy. This is our typical mind of thinking about sewing. this website is useful in Home Economics lesson as it provides information on sewing that is done with kids and its feasibility and how simple sewing can be when it is meant for kids in the first place. Different types of sewing skills and terms are introduced based on different difficulty level. In the website as well, there are some videos that will guide us on how to sew certain technique such as sewing a zipper. This is good as it shows the live action of how things work and we learn better by by doing so.

the good thing about this nutrition website is that, it is made from Singapore! so any value and information used related to nutrition is very useful for Singaporean students to use them in their Home Economics and Food and Nutritions lesson. This can be a very good resource for them to do Coursework for this subjects. Many healthy eating topics were discussed in this website such as the famous healthy diet pyramid, dietary guidelines for Singapore, healthy eating tips and many more.
this website is a food crafts site that provides up on information pertaining to recipes that kids mostly want to eat. when we are to ask kids to cook, the usual answer would be something that they like to eat. and the interesting part is that kids can interactive food by playing their online games found in this website. There is also this section called cooking term which is very simple to understand and easy to follow for better understanding which term to use when cooking.

this site provide the a very important tool which is how to read food labels. it is important for a person to know how to read food labels to know what types of food they eat. Apart from that, there is also an interesting section on knowing how your body parts work in a colourful and digital ways. Health problems are also discussed in this site which is also very useful in Home Economics lesson. While this site focus on 'kids' on this website itself, you will also find useful information for 'teens' age group as well as for 'parents'.
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