DCX 131
Besides Pepsi Challenge, there are 5 more activities that done by each group on that day.

This activity required us to pin our nose so that we cant smell any flavour. but the real rationale is basically to know wether or not, our tasting ability is strong enough or not. it is an interesting though. and when they put same colouring on all the samples, my perception changed immediately. i though all was actually from any red coloured fruit or vegetable, such a apple, strawberry and tomato. but in fact, when they reveal the answer, one of them is pear! and pear is not red. you can see how perception really affects our smelling ability.

This activity asking us to differentiate the odd one among the three. when you first taste all the sample, you thought they are all from the same source but in fact one of them is not. this is an example of a triangle test which is good to eliminate biasness when doing an experiment.

CHEESE! see the colour between the cheese and the taste which one has more milky flavour. before i taste, i though the one with pale yellow will has more milky taste but when i experiment myself by tasting both of them, i found that the more yellow colour has more milky test! this is when people say. "Dont judge the book by its cover." to relate to this activity, "Don't judge the milkiness of milk bt it colour."

i didn't get the chance to do this activity, but what i understand is that we have to smell different spices "blind fold". but in this activity, the sample itself is blindfold. This is to see whether our smell perception coincide with our own judgement.

i didn't get the chance to try out this activity as well, basically there is 2 sample of same cake but different manufacturer. the task was to differentiate the different texture, smell and taste of these two cakes in comparison with the other.
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